At the World Economic Forum this year, all eyes and ears were on what founder and executive chairman of WEF, Klaus Schwab had to say about a new phenomenon- the 4th industrial revolution technological, revolution that will “fundamentally alter the way we live, work and relate to one another”.But what is the 4th Industrial Revolution, and what about the three to come before?

Understanding the 3 Industrial Revolution

Revolution 1 (Year 1784) : Steam,Water,Mechanical Production Equipment

Revolution 2 (year 1870) : Division of Labour,Electicity,Mass Production

Revolution 3 (year1969 ) : Electronics,IT.Automated production

Revolution 4 (year Unknown): Cyber-Physical Systems

First came steam and the mechanical production equipment with it. Next came electricity and mass production, followed by a wave of IT, electronics, automated production, computers and so much more.

We are all enjoying the benefits of the 3rd industrial Revolution with the advancements in mobile and computing technology ushering in an era of never before seen possibilities. From businesses to personal lives, current technologies have paved a new way of life.

The pace at which technologies are advancing, it is almost time for the next industrial revolution.

The upcoming shift

Why is it called the 4th Industrial Revolution and not merely an advancement in the 3rd one? It’s because of three reasons: velocity, scope, and impact. The rate at which we are advancing, is unprecedented. And the evolution from is exponential, rather than linear. The conversation about artificial intelligence is all around us, and it would change the way we interact with anything and everything in our lives.

What it means for us 

In an ever dynamic world, it is very important to keep us with the pace of technological advancements. After all, the world is governed by the survival of the fittest. Because if we don’t adapt, we become obsolete.

At Global Logistics Solutions, we always strive to be ahead of the curve by implementing the latest and best of tech into our business. And as the 4th Industrial Revolution dawns upon us, we are already in the process of changing how our processes work, how our solutions is delivered, for the better. More on that soon!